
Life's Purpose on You

No introduction
My purpose in life is
To change my self
To finish my course and find a good job to help my family
To earn money
To make people clap and to make people laugh
To make some friends cry and to make them smile
To achieve a dream that is possible to reach
Not to preach but to teach
To do good on my own
To help others and give sympathy to them
Not thinking on some salvation to heaven
To follow the path which my heart and mind tells me
Not just by believing on the chosen path they say
I will do my plan according to what my self wants
Not depending on what they call "His plan"
To discover the mysteries on earth
That my innocent mind keeps questioning since birth
And to make it happen I will not connect the dots
But to collect and save the pieces that was left
Even life is in a hurry
It is not important to be so early
Just don't be late.

To be continued...

(at least many many words)